October 1st & 2nd 2025

AZ Samplingsystem (Contiflow)

About us


Monsternamesysteem voor vloeistoffen en vaste stoffen
DN 15 – 100 / PN 10 – 40
NPS ½” – 4″ / class 150 – 300

Vertikaal (type V) of horizontaal (type W) te installeren zonder verstoring van de hoofdstroom.

Verkrijgbaar met Verwarmingsmantel of bekleed met PFA, PFA conductive, FEP, PVDF.

* Free of cavity
* Closed system
* Maintenance free – self lubricating
* Pressureless sampling
* Defined representative sample quantity (25ml)
* Piggable
* No flow interruption
* Simple and foolsafe handling
* Sampling in vacuum possible



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